Wednesday, December 25, 2019

5 Ways to Ruin Your Job Search before 9 a.m.

5 Ways to Ruin Your Job Search before 9 a.m.5 Ways to Ruin Your Job Search before 9 a.m.6Ever wake up in the morning only to feel like you want to roll right over and go back to sleep until tomorrow? Everyone has days when they feel like they want a do-over- even when its only 600 a.m. But there might be negative ways in which youre contributing to these feelings that youre completely unaware of- and it might be sabotaging your job efforts as well. Here are five ways you could be ruining your job search before 9 a.m.Over-scheduling yourself.In todays world, everyone is super busy. Youre trying to get kids out the door and onto the school bus before applying for 25 jobs- all before 900 a.m. The problem is that your to-do list could actually be hindering you, leid helping you. If you spend your morning thinking of everything that you have to do, chances are youll do nothing. Instead, spend time in the morning getting emotionally (and physically) ready for the day by relaxing your mind and clearing it of any unnecessary thoughts. If you can get in a workout, your body will be at peace, too, and youll be ready for whatever the day may bring.Not getting dressed.Sure, your flannel PJs and fluffy slippers are your clothes du jour when youre job hunting. But by not changing your clothes, you run the risk of becoming even mora unproductive- and sloppy. Its a better idea to change into comfortable- and more professional- clothes before you start the day. Even yoga pants are fine when paired with a proper shirt. Changing your clothes will help you change your mindset and make your job search that much more streamlined- and successful.Refusing to get out of bed.Youre supposed to be up and out of bed by 630. But you keep hitting your snooze button for five extra minutes- six more times. When you purposely delay your day, you can create extra stress having to rush around getting things done. That stress can continue for the rest of your day, causing you to feel extra (and un necessary) pressure that can ruin the rest of your day. So the next time your alarm clock rings, do what it wants you to do and get out of bed.Adopting an all-or-nothing attitude.There are some mornings when everything goes wrong. Your kid didnt do his homework, the dog threw up in the kitchen, and your spouse misplaced the car keys. Its tempting to think that the rest of your day is going to be as miserable as your morning. Turn the tables (on yourself) and find the positives in the middle of the messes. By learning to change your mindset when things go wrong, youll be able to survive them better and have a great workday in spite of a bumpy start to the day. This learned skill will also help you when you are in the middle of a tough job interview.Not taking care of yourself.Youre running late, so you plan to hit the drive-thru for your breakfast. Or maybe you didnt have time to iron your power pants before your final job interview with a prospective boss, so you wind up throwing a pair of wrinkled jeans on instead. When you dont take time to take care of yourself, you are sending a bad message to both a potential boss and yourself. Essentially youre saying that youre not valuing yourself- and no one else should, either. By treating yourself with love and respect (by eating a proper breakfast, taking the time you need to get ready in the morning, scoring a quick run before you go to the office), youre making an investment not only in yourself and your family, but in your career as well.There are so many ways in which people can self-sabotage their days, and in turn, their careers as well. By being aware of some of the pitfalls, you can steer clear and be successful in your job search- and your life.Readers, whats your morning routine like? Do you think it has the potential to ruin your job search? Sound off in the comments below

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